Chilli News
Friday, 14th March 2025

Carolina Reaper Seeds World's Hottest Chilli!
Monday 13th of January 2014: Buy Carolina Reaper seeds from UK-based Chilli Pepper Company and grow the World's Hottest Chilli from Smokin' Ed's World-Record breaking seeds!

World's Hottest Chilli is California Reaper at 2.2 Scoville
Sunday 29th of December 2013: So it's official - The Carolina Reaper is the world's hottest pepper, according to the Guinness Book of World Records!
Elephant Vs Chilli
Thursday 3rd of October 2013: Indian farmers have started to combat the "elephant menace" with chilli, in a bid to deter the animals from eating crops and damaging farmland.
Grillstock Festival 2010 in Bristol
Thursday 8th of August 2013: The harbour-side Grillstock Festival was held in Bristol last weekend. The barbecue festival was a success, hosting some of the most best chilli products the UK has to offer.

Chilli Chocolate Vindaloo Easter Egg
Friday 5th of April 2013: An Indian restaurant has created an Easter egg using three of the hottest varieties of chilli pepper; a ghost chilli, a scotch bonnet and a habanero - "up to 10 times hotter than a vindaloo".