The Gibralta Naga or Spanish Naga
The Gibralta Naga, AKA the Spanish Naga, AKA the ChilliPepperPete Naga has been tested at Warwick University at a tongue-meltingly hot 1,086,844 Scoville Units; this makes the Gibralta Naga the hottest chilli hot pepper ever tested.
Chilli Pepper Pete has been involved in a start-up project just over the border of Gibralta to grow the Naga in Spain. They naga plants are grown indoors in poly-tunnels to assist in creating a high temperature environment. This stresses the plants, subsequently making the pods incredibly hot. The pods are then semi dried (demi sec) for shipping onwards. In Baja California and Central Mexico they have also been working with local producers to grow the Naga for the US market.
Samples of the pods were seen at West Dean, where Darth Naga had the opportunity to do a taste test; not a comfortable sight to watch!
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