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The Gibralta Naga or Spanish Naga

The Gibralta Naga, AKA the Spanish Naga, AKA the Chil­liPep­per­Pete Naga has been tested at War­wick Uni­ver­sity at a tongue-meltingly hot 1,086,844 Scov­ille Units; this makes the Gibralta Naga the hot­test chilli hot pep­per ever tested.

Chilli Pep­per Pete has been involved in a start-up pro­ject just over the border of Gibralta to grow the Naga in Spain. They naga plants are grown indoors in poly-tun­nels to assist in creating a high tem­per­at­ure environment. This stresses the plants, subsequently mak­ing the pods incred­ibly hot. The pods are then semi dried (demi sec) for shipping onwards. In Baja Cali­for­nia and Cent­ral Mex­ico they have also been work­ing with local pro­du­cers to grow the Naga for the US market.

Samples of the pods were seen at West Dean, where Darth Naga had the opportunity to do a taste test; not a com­fort­able sight to watch!

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